Saturday, October 20, 2007

Me and butterflies...

I have this thing for butterflies, i fancy them very much!... and i was tolled more then once, that if someone where to discribe me, they would simply say...""You are so like a BUTTERFLY!!""

and as i look into my life from my point of view, i think, since a butterfly has a short life, in it's way of transporting from one flower to another, my life is similar to that... in that, i keep moving around from one city to another!

i don't really know how to say it, but i had to believe that i could go by the butterfly as a discription, due to the fact that many people have said that to me....some i know well, and others very breifly!!!

but i still love butterflies even if i am nothing like them, they are soo simple, pure and most of all, before they became so beautifull they were catterpillers!!! shows a lessan in life...i will not mention it, it's for u to figure it out for urself!!


benghazeeya said...

heeey butterfly :) congrats on ure new blog! i cant wait to read the next post :) ure nissan friend ;)

jack said...

"Everything has its beauty and u are able to see it" Jacopo

jack said...
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3abtash said...

buttteerfly welcome to the blogger group...hope ur enjoying the rest of ur vacation..hehhehe.....

Anonymous said...

Hello dear
welcome to the blogshpere I'm happy to see you here,,
keep going and I know that you like this stuff
fe aman Allah

فراشة said...

اهلا بك بيننا
يمكن ان نكون مجموعة فراشات جميلة معا
لكني لا اكتب إلأ بالعربية رغم معرفتي باللغة الانجليزية
فبالعربية أتميز

أهلا بك

jack said...

...b4 taking her hand on the
receipt he wrote: "L'amor che move il Sole e l'altre stelle"...It s the last line of that spechless and huge writing by Dante Alighieri "La divina Commedia" and that sentence is how he calls God...the real essence of Life and people loving each other... what everyone consciously or unconsciuosly is looking for.
It means "The Love Who Makes the Sun and the other stars move"...amazing

Benghazi Citizen said...

butterflies are so fragile and delicate..i like watching them...
I think the lesson u get from butterflies is:it doesn't matter how short we live,as long as we go through many life times experiences..
Benghazi Citizen

Dr.butterfly said...

that is soo true BC!!
exactly the point... and to touch other people's lives, the same way the beauty of a butterfly does!!